
people from the province of turin معنى

  • أشخاص من محافظة تورينو
  • people    n. جماعة من الناس, ...
  • from    prep. من, منذ, حسب
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • province    n. ميدان, مقاطعة, ...
  • province of turin    مقاطعة تورينو
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • turin    تورينو; تُورِينُو

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. people from the province of saxony معنى
  2. people from the province of schleswig-holstein معنى
  3. people from the province of silesia معنى
  4. people from the province of soria معنى
  5. people from the province of toledo معنى
  6. people from the province of upper silesia معنى
  7. people from the province of valencia معنى
  8. people from the province of valladolid معنى
  9. people from the province of westphalia معنى
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